M ulti cores

Multi core MCU

Target MCUs are F28P65xD, F2827xD, F2838xS and F2838xD.

Predefined symbols

Predefined symbols such as CPU1, CPU2, CM and _FLASH are referred in easyDSP source files when multi-core MUC is used.
If target core is CPU2, CPU2 should be predefined. If target core is CM, CM should be predefined.
These symbols are usually predefined by CCS. But please check.

Using debugger

Don't use multi-core booting related functions (easyDSP_Boot_Sync) easyDSP is providing in case you use debugger. Debugger will load the memory of each core. please refer to #define USE_DEBUGGER of main.c in easyDSP source file folder.

easyDSP uses MCU resource for multi core Ram booting

Some MCU resource is used by easyDSP to implement CPU2/CM ram booting. Please check below table. You should not use these resource before CPU2/CM booting (calling of easyDSP_Boot_Sync() function) in your code. But you can use them after the booting.





 Resource used by easyDSP
during ram booting CPU2 and CM




Flash booting location of F2838x and F28P65xD for CPU2 and CM

In the source file of easyDSP, the flash booting location is fixed :
For F2838xD CPU2 and CM, it is set to sector 0.
For F28P65xD CPU2, it is set to bank 3.
In case you like to change its location, please modify below part in easyDSP_Boot_Sync() function in the easyDSP source file.

F2838x BitField :

F2838x DriberLib :


Restriction of memory use for RAM booting of F2838x and F28P65xD

RAM booting via SCI port for CPU2 and CM of F2838x and F28P65xD is not supported by TI. easyDSP uses workaround to boot CPU2 and CM via SCI. First, boot CPU1 via SCI with user program then boot CPU2/CM with small agent program (not user program) via 'IPC message copy to RAM' boot mode. Then this agent program downloads user program to CPU2 and CM via SCI. With this, there is some restriction of memory usage to CPU2 and CM for this agent operation. Please check below table and reflect this to command file accordingly.


Restriction of memory usage in user program
when ram booting of F2838x

  Restriction of memory usage in user program
when ram booting of F28P65xD

user program 

 no restriction  no restriction

user program

 part of M1 RAM (0x400 - 0x7F7) can't be used as initialized section  part of M1 RAM (0x400 - 0x5FF) can't be used as initialized section

user program

 part of S0 RAM (0x2000.0800 - 0x2000.0FFF) can't be used as initialized section  


Change in  CPU2 RAM booting of F2837xD and F2838xD from easyDSP source file version 11

Before easyDSP source file version 11, for CPU2 ram booting of F2837xD and 2838xD, all the GSRAM (Global Shared RAM) are allocated to CPU2 during CPU2 ram booting and then allocated to CPU1 after ram booting in the easyDSP_SCIBootCPU2() function of easyDSP source file.
So, ram booting related code of CPU1 (.text section of easyDSP_SCIBootCPU2() function) should be located to LSRAM (Local Shared RAM). And if required from CPU2 user program, CPU1 should allocate GSRAM to CPU2 after CPU2 ram booting.

This way requires lots of restriction and caution and not any longer recommended.
In the source file version 11, GSRAM is allocated to neither CPU1 nor CPU2 in the easyDSP_SCIBootCPU2() function.
Instead, in the CPU1 program main.c, the required GSRAM is allocated to CPU2 before calling easyDSP_SCIBootCPU2().
With this, no more restriction and caution needed.

Booting sequence and syncronization of F2837xD and F28P65xD 

The flash booting is executed in a sequence of CPU1 and then CPU2 without any synchronization between.
The RAM booting is executed in same sequence with synchronization (i.e. the end of easyDSP_Boot_Sync() is synchronized).
Note that necessary memory should be allocated to CPU2 before CPU1 is calling easyDSP_Boot_Sync().

Booting sequence and syncronization of F2838x

The flash booting is executed in a sequence of CPU1, CPU2 and CM without any synchronization between.
The RAM booting is executed in same sequence with synchronization between (i.e. the end of easyDSP_Boot_Sync() is synchronized).
Note that necessary memory should be allocated to CPU2 and CM before CPU1 is calling easyDSP_Boot_Sync().

F2838x CPU2 and CM clock

When CPU1 boots CPU2 and CM, CPU1 set their clock frequency to 200MHz and 125MHz respectively. If you like to change them, you should modify the related source file by yourself.

When out file has been changed

The output file (*.out) is changed whenever the user program is compiled. When you download the new output file by either RAM booting or flash programming in the easyDSP project connected to CPU1, the easyDSP project connected to another cores should be updated by new output file too.
In case easyDSP for multi cores are all connected to the same PC, this process is done automatically, meaning easyDSP project for CPU1 asks easyDSP project for CPU2 to load new output file.
In case they are open in different PC, you have to load new output file for another cores manually, by clicking 'MCU > Reload *.out' menu.